Monday, May 30, 2016

My Ryan

So after mentioning him several times, I figured I should write about my darling boyfriend. And since he reads these he'd love to read a blog about himself. It's a win-win situation; I get to write about someone who plays a large role in my life, and he gets a blog about him.

I was seventeen when I first met my boyfriend, officially met him. It was the first day of my senior year at high school and my friend Marion asked me to sit with her at lunch along with her boyfriend and his friends; the metalheads. I was single and full of hormones, and she had a secret plan up her sleeve.

See I had always described my dream guy as a smart, long haired, metalhead guy. Someone who wasn't the stereotypical jock build. My Hollywood crush was Seth Rogen, you know, that build. And Ryan matched that description perfectly.

So I sat with my friend and her new friends and saw him, the dream guy. The perfect guy. One look and I was smitten. Damn teenage hormones. I was a shy and quiet person, so I didn't really hold much of a conversation. In fact, I barely spoke.

The next day while waiting for the bus Marion asked if I had a crush on anyone, and I told her I thought Ryan was cute. She proceeded to tell me he was single and describe how he was a nice guy and why he was awesome.

The next week or so at lunch I'd try to hold conversation, but it was hard. I could barely hold a conversation with him, but I had finally gotten my footing. I was comfortable talking to him.

During that first week I sat alone in an elective class, too shy to sit near Alex (Marion's boyfriend) and another girl we both knew. Then Ryan joined the class, needing to pick up an elective. Alex had asked him to join his class and invited me to sit with them, next to Ryan. Man oh man, this was teenage hormone heaven, or hell depending on how it turned out.

However, the shy and slow approach I was taking wasn't fast enough for Marion, Out of the blue to Ryan she asked him what he thought of me and if he thought I was cute. He answered "I guess so yeah", which didn't exactly help my self esteem. But it didn't hurt it.

Over the next week I began to talk to Ryan more. We'd bus home together sometimes as I lived on the bus route. Before I had moved, I used to bus farther along the bus route and I'd sometimes see him on the bus, not knowing the football player who got off at my old stop was a cool guy who would actually date a nerd. On a bus ride home I thought I was being sneaky by taking his phone and putting my number in it without telling him. Not sneaky at all, and definitely not cute.

Of course, Ryan probably knew I had a crush on him. Hell, a doorknob would have clued in by then Of course I didn't know he thought of me as dating material until later that week. There was a party at Will's house, a really cool dude who loves dogs, country music, science, and his girlfriend. Marion had already invited me, saying not to tell Ryan because he was supposed to ask me. I knew where Will lived and the day of the party, I was just waiting for Ryan to ask. I guess that's how guys ask girls out in the modern age without malts (what is that) and drive-ins.

So one day while walking towards the bus stop Ryan began talking to me. I hated missing the early bus coming home from school, but Westmount had a ton of students and the other high school let off early enough to fill up the earlier buses. So we began walking up the road, the exact opposite direction of his friend Will's house. I asked Ryan what he was doing after school and why he was walking so far with me. He said he was going to Will's house, which made me smile because I knew he was heading the wrong way and had walked 20 minutes completely out of the way. Stupid, but it made me think he was the type of football player who liked geeky girls. While walking to me to the next bus stop, Ryan invited me to Will's party and I was pretty excited about that.

We continued on our awkward friendship, me being somewhat shy one minute and extremely chatty the next. The day of the party came, and we met at Will's house. I was shy at first, and spent the majority of the party hoping Ryan would come and sit beside me and chat. I'm 90% sure everyone at the party knew I had a crush on Ryan. I was still shy around his friends, and really nervous about meeting them.

After the party Ryan walked me home as I only lived about 15 minutes away from Will's house. He walked me to my door and said goodnight, and I actually went in the house and closed the door before I worked up the courage to hug him. From Ryan's point of view, a girl opened the door, ran out of the house, and demanded a hug randomly. I probably gave him a heart attack.

The next day I asked him if he wanted to come over for a fire, but Ryan said he couldn't. He was at Will's trailer with his family, quite a few hours away. Even though it was a logical excuse I felt a bit sad. Ryan then suggested hanging out the next weekend. That made my day.

The next week at school went by in a blur. I was really excited to see Ryan on the weekend. I planned a nice fire, maybe watching a movie after. When Saturday rolled around I was really nervous. I wore a nice pair of jeans, a cool band shirt, and made sure my hair looked okay. So Ryan came over and I tried setting up a fire, but I lacked proper kindling and managed to make plenty of smoke. It was getting cold out and the fire part was a bust. But we went inside and watched movies. I can't quite recall the movies we watched, as I spent the majority of the time excited I was sitting extremely close to a cute guy.

I began dropping hints that I was cold, hoping Ryan could put his arm around me. Nope, nice guy Ryan grabbed me a blanket and put it on me. I still kept hinting I was cold, which resulted in him asking if I needed another blanket. Man, this guy was not taking the hint, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and snuggle up against him, putting my arm around him. We spent most of the night like that, while I stupidly tickled him, nice tickles though. I guess they were more like caresses. I like them, and call them nice tickles. It's a comforting feeling for me, something my mom used to do to make me fall asleep or feel better when I was sick. Ryan is more sensitive to tickles and hates what I've dubbed nice tickles.

That night was the best night of my life up to that point. And when it ended I walked Ryan to the door and gave him a long hug, one that wouldn't end. I felt him kiss the top of my head a couple times, then as I looked up, kissed me for real. It was fireworks, magic, explosions, and just beyond amazing.

That night started an amazing relationship. Ryan and I have been together almost four years, surviving high school and going to prom together. We both had a year off before college, spending time working and going out. We survived college together, seeing each other plenty of times in between classes, although it wasn't quite the same as having classes together.

Our first Christmas together I worked at a friend's dad's shop to make money to buy him Yuh-Gi-Oh cards, He bought me the cutest teddy bear. The rest of the Christmas's resulted in cologne, band shirts, swords, a beautiful ruby ring, and amazing memories. For our birthday's I got him band shirts,and Magic cards, he got me gorgeous engraved boxes, jewelry, the seashell chocolates, and beautiful crystal turtles. Valentine's Day was Magic cards, a nice bracelet, a ring for him, and plenty of chocolate. Anniversary's resulted in a beautiful Pandora bracelet for me, along with multiple charms. For him it was more Magic cards and a War Machine figurine bag that took months to deliver. Date nights consisted of delivery pizza for a night in, superhero movies and popcorn with the gross butter, fancy restaurants, sushi and burgers. Date night consisted of just laying beside each other and talking for hours on end, just enjoying the company. Every memory with him is amazing, and they stand out clearly in my head. The problem is there are too many memories running together I can hardly keep them in order in my head.

Ryan's been with me through many moves, being diagnosed with colitis and the gross testing that went along with it. He's been there for me in the good times, the bad times, and the in between' times. He's the guy you can call at two in the morning when you miss him and want to talk, then spend hours on the phone together feeling like it was only minutes. He's the guy who makes me laugh a crazy weird laugh no one else should hear. He's the guy who I would fall asleep beside while watching a movie, and he wouldn't care if I drooled or snored. He's the guy who hates cats but puts up with my kitty and even pets her for me. He's the kind of guy you fall in love with more and more, and the guy who let's you be goofy with. He's strong enough to pick me up and swing me around to make me giggle, and will hold me and tickle me to sleep in the same day. He's a great guy, someone even though my dream school took me three hours away, stuck by my decision and encouraged me to continue my education. He's stuck with me despite my cheesy nickname for him, one I know he wouldn't want me to tell the world. He's the guy who loves with all of his heart, and takes all of your heart away from you.

Ryan's the kind of guy you want your friends to date but get secretly jealous of. He's the guy you don't let go of, and would do anything to keep. He's the guy you feel lucky just being friends with, let alone how lucky you feel to date him. He's the kind of guy your parents like and you feel comfortable introducing to your extended family. He's the kind of guy you know you'll marry one day, the kind of guy you never let go of. Ryan is a smart, adorably geeky, handsome, funny, and an amazing friend. He 's my best friend, my boyfriend, and my soulmate. He's my Ryan. 

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