When you hear the word meatloaf you associate that word with the delicious albeit boring meal, or if your music taste is up to par, the band. However, when I hear the word meatloaf I think about my cat. Yes this is a cat blog.
I've always been crazy for cats. I love them, they're fluffy and sweet and they make cute little noises. When I was younger I'd see tortoise cats and think to myself I'd name that cat Meatloaf. Well lo and behold, I decided to get a kitten and name her Meatloaf. It was a total spur of the moment decision, looking online for free Kijiji kittens. I know people always say "get shelter cats" and "if you won't pay for a cat how do you expect to afford to feed one". Well I've paid for her vet bills and all her food by myself, I got a kitten that would have otherwise been put on the street, I picked a kitten that I fell in love with at first sight.
The owner wanted me to take Meatloaf's sister, which my mom decided she'd take and name Piper. When we moved she later decided not to take Piper with her and my dad wouldn't let me take both. My friend Julie took Piper in, and it broke my heart to give away a kitten but I knew that I couldn't get rid of my kitty. Piper has a great home, by the way, with a puppy and other cats. She's well fed and loved.
Anyways, I splurged at the nearest store for cat toys, kitten food, treats, and all kinds of pet supplies. I spoiled the kittens before I got them.
I didn't have a carrier so I grabbed a fabric ottoman and a fleece blanket to carry them home in. Right away I knew they weren't eight weeks old, they were smaller than any kittens I had seen, barely five weeks. They fit in the same ottoman with plenty of room to spare, they would have both fit comfortably in a shoe box, that's how small they were.
When they got home it was clear they were scared. They ran and hid under the futon in the living room, refusing to come out for hours. They made tiny little meows and looked adorable. After a few days they were comfortable being out and on furniture, although it was clear they were both not litter trained or able to eat solid food and drink out of a bowl. The previous owner had lied about their age to get them out of the house faster.
This is them within the first week, Meatloaf is the cat on the left while Piper is the cat on the right. The little button on the futon is about an inch or so wide.
Meatloaf was able to drink a water/tuna juice mixture by suckling off my fingers and then was able to drink straight from the bowl. Piper took longer to train. They both were able to eat tuna and soft foods, but Piper was able to eat solid food faster.
Litter training Piper was far more easy, she took to the litter box within a month and still occasionally used the newspaper we kept out for Meatloaf. Meatloaf had trouble with the box, with a variety of boxes and litters. She would pee on the paper and then poo under the coffee table. Or under the couch.
She also relied on Piper to bathe her and followed Piper around. They both would sleep in my bed and play together, almost appearing to fight. However they were both happy. Meatloaf would only growl when eating, and it became clear that she was undersized in comparison to Piper and did not want to share food.

It became clear they needed each other, or at least Meatloaf needed Piper. She would meow until Piper came to find her, meaning if Piper went off to explore the house and Meatloaf was laying beside me, I would then be awake at 3am trying to find the other kitty. They would always sleep beside each other, usually on my stomach or on the couch.
Eventually they were both able to eat solid food and function normally, except Meatloaf would still refuse to poo in the litter box. She was different, and my mom was annoyed with finding surprises before I could clean them up.

After a few months they had grown plenty. This is them on the box they originally came home in, now too small for the both of them. They had grown so much, getting into trouble knocking ornaments off the Christmas tree and even climbing in it, as cats will do. Meatloaf had an obsession with hiding under the tree skirt while Piper liked chewing on the fake branches. Cats, am I right? We had gotten them early in October and they lived together until February. Then I had moved in with my dad, taking Meatloaf with me. She still was not litter trained.
Meatloaf was also old enough to get fixed, and I had warned the vet about her litter issues. While she was at the vet she had used the box normally. So I went and bought the very expensive kitty litter they used, to which she would not use it at home. Strange kitty.
I was at a pet supply store buying cat attract, which worked for her to pee. The cashier asked if I had a second litter box, which I did. She then asked if I had a covered litter box, which I didn't. After buying a covered litter box Meatloaf magically began using it normally. She had some accidents still, but it was okay. She had finally learned.
The vet also suggested she eat less, as I was feeding her more than enough to ensure Piper would get food. On her own she'd meow for more than twice the amount of food she was supposed to eat. She would not eat the diet food and would get angry and knock things over unless she had more food. It took a long time to get her food trained, and even longer for her to accept she had to drink water out of a bowl, not a cup like she used to have. I had bought her a bowl for water but she wouldn't drink from it, only a glass that I would sip from. She was a weird cat.
She was a good kitty, and still is. Overall her litter issues are fixed, she eats food regularly. She had a thing for cat treats and decided to rip open a bag so now they have to be hidden. However she did have one problem.
She had a leash and harness meant for cats, that's what it said on the label. I had no problems with it before, but then a problem happened. My brother had taken her outside and attached the harness to a railing on the porch. She then jumped or fell, and he didn't notice right away. I was inside the house and he came in screaming with Meatloaf in his arms. She wasn't moving and I started screaming too. He put her down and she started having spasms. I was so scared, but she ran under my bed. It took hours and a whole bag of treats to coax her out into her carrier and we rushed her to the vets. They examined her and said nothing was wrong, but she walked with a limp in front of me for a day. I'd give her treats when I saw her limping, and it wasn't until my dad pointed out she was running and jumping that I clued in she only limped and meowed for treats. Another vet visit ensured she was fine.
We threw out the old harness and bought one specifically with cat safety in mind, asking plenty of questions. Her current harness is safe and she's never had an accident. We've taken her for walks outside and hiking, and the only problems there were a bout of fleas, a visit from a loud but friendly dog, and her climbing halfway up a tree to chase a squirrel before we pulled her down.
She loves car rides but if it's bumpy she hides under seats. She loves eating grass, especially cat grass. She steals food when you aren't looking, even a whole slice of shwarma pizza. She survived the move to Peterborough with her only complaint being she has to share her toys with Gemma the new cat. She's a very vocal cat, meowing when she's alone and wants attention. She loves belly rubs and snuggles. She likes to climb and knock things over. She hides in drawers and bags when you leave them open. She loves windows and won't leave you alone when you try to go outside. She needs to be in the bathroom with you at all times, and heaven forbid you don't let her jump onto the shower window ledge while you try to shower. She's afraid of the dirt devil but not the vacuum. She loves licking shopping bags and attacking the broom.
And despite getting a kitten free from Kijiji I have paid all of her vet bills, paid for preventative flea and worm treatments since she goes outside. I've paid for her to get fixed, for costly examinations. I've spent hundreds of extra dollars for special kitty litter and litter boxes. She gets a toy every time she goes to the vet. She gets the good catnip. She gets plenty of love and attention. She even has her own pillow she basically took over and saturated with cat fur despite multiple washes. She is my cat, she my Meatloaf.
I've always been crazy for cats. I love them, they're fluffy and sweet and they make cute little noises. When I was younger I'd see tortoise cats and think to myself I'd name that cat Meatloaf. Well lo and behold, I decided to get a kitten and name her Meatloaf. It was a total spur of the moment decision, looking online for free Kijiji kittens. I know people always say "get shelter cats" and "if you won't pay for a cat how do you expect to afford to feed one". Well I've paid for her vet bills and all her food by myself, I got a kitten that would have otherwise been put on the street, I picked a kitten that I fell in love with at first sight.
The owner wanted me to take Meatloaf's sister, which my mom decided she'd take and name Piper. When we moved she later decided not to take Piper with her and my dad wouldn't let me take both. My friend Julie took Piper in, and it broke my heart to give away a kitten but I knew that I couldn't get rid of my kitty. Piper has a great home, by the way, with a puppy and other cats. She's well fed and loved.
Anyways, I splurged at the nearest store for cat toys, kitten food, treats, and all kinds of pet supplies. I spoiled the kittens before I got them.
I didn't have a carrier so I grabbed a fabric ottoman and a fleece blanket to carry them home in. Right away I knew they weren't eight weeks old, they were smaller than any kittens I had seen, barely five weeks. They fit in the same ottoman with plenty of room to spare, they would have both fit comfortably in a shoe box, that's how small they were.
When they got home it was clear they were scared. They ran and hid under the futon in the living room, refusing to come out for hours. They made tiny little meows and looked adorable. After a few days they were comfortable being out and on furniture, although it was clear they were both not litter trained or able to eat solid food and drink out of a bowl. The previous owner had lied about their age to get them out of the house faster.
This is them within the first week, Meatloaf is the cat on the left while Piper is the cat on the right. The little button on the futon is about an inch or so wide.
Meatloaf was able to drink a water/tuna juice mixture by suckling off my fingers and then was able to drink straight from the bowl. Piper took longer to train. They both were able to eat tuna and soft foods, but Piper was able to eat solid food faster.
Litter training Piper was far more easy, she took to the litter box within a month and still occasionally used the newspaper we kept out for Meatloaf. Meatloaf had trouble with the box, with a variety of boxes and litters. She would pee on the paper and then poo under the coffee table. Or under the couch.
She also relied on Piper to bathe her and followed Piper around. They both would sleep in my bed and play together, almost appearing to fight. However they were both happy. Meatloaf would only growl when eating, and it became clear that she was undersized in comparison to Piper and did not want to share food.

It became clear they needed each other, or at least Meatloaf needed Piper. She would meow until Piper came to find her, meaning if Piper went off to explore the house and Meatloaf was laying beside me, I would then be awake at 3am trying to find the other kitty. They would always sleep beside each other, usually on my stomach or on the couch.
Eventually they were both able to eat solid food and function normally, except Meatloaf would still refuse to poo in the litter box. She was different, and my mom was annoyed with finding surprises before I could clean them up.

After a few months they had grown plenty. This is them on the box they originally came home in, now too small for the both of them. They had grown so much, getting into trouble knocking ornaments off the Christmas tree and even climbing in it, as cats will do. Meatloaf had an obsession with hiding under the tree skirt while Piper liked chewing on the fake branches. Cats, am I right? We had gotten them early in October and they lived together until February. Then I had moved in with my dad, taking Meatloaf with me. She still was not litter trained.
Meatloaf was also old enough to get fixed, and I had warned the vet about her litter issues. While she was at the vet she had used the box normally. So I went and bought the very expensive kitty litter they used, to which she would not use it at home. Strange kitty.
I was at a pet supply store buying cat attract, which worked for her to pee. The cashier asked if I had a second litter box, which I did. She then asked if I had a covered litter box, which I didn't. After buying a covered litter box Meatloaf magically began using it normally. She had some accidents still, but it was okay. She had finally learned.
The vet also suggested she eat less, as I was feeding her more than enough to ensure Piper would get food. On her own she'd meow for more than twice the amount of food she was supposed to eat. She would not eat the diet food and would get angry and knock things over unless she had more food. It took a long time to get her food trained, and even longer for her to accept she had to drink water out of a bowl, not a cup like she used to have. I had bought her a bowl for water but she wouldn't drink from it, only a glass that I would sip from. She was a weird cat.

She had a leash and harness meant for cats, that's what it said on the label. I had no problems with it before, but then a problem happened. My brother had taken her outside and attached the harness to a railing on the porch. She then jumped or fell, and he didn't notice right away. I was inside the house and he came in screaming with Meatloaf in his arms. She wasn't moving and I started screaming too. He put her down and she started having spasms. I was so scared, but she ran under my bed. It took hours and a whole bag of treats to coax her out into her carrier and we rushed her to the vets. They examined her and said nothing was wrong, but she walked with a limp in front of me for a day. I'd give her treats when I saw her limping, and it wasn't until my dad pointed out she was running and jumping that I clued in she only limped and meowed for treats. Another vet visit ensured she was fine.
We threw out the old harness and bought one specifically with cat safety in mind, asking plenty of questions. Her current harness is safe and she's never had an accident. We've taken her for walks outside and hiking, and the only problems there were a bout of fleas, a visit from a loud but friendly dog, and her climbing halfway up a tree to chase a squirrel before we pulled her down.
She loves car rides but if it's bumpy she hides under seats. She loves eating grass, especially cat grass. She steals food when you aren't looking, even a whole slice of shwarma pizza. She survived the move to Peterborough with her only complaint being she has to share her toys with Gemma the new cat. She's a very vocal cat, meowing when she's alone and wants attention. She loves belly rubs and snuggles. She likes to climb and knock things over. She hides in drawers and bags when you leave them open. She loves windows and won't leave you alone when you try to go outside. She needs to be in the bathroom with you at all times, and heaven forbid you don't let her jump onto the shower window ledge while you try to shower. She's afraid of the dirt devil but not the vacuum. She loves licking shopping bags and attacking the broom.

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